I sent out this form to finalize some of the details for the first tournament in the No Burn/Health Gain tournament series, and I will go over the results below.
Start time is Saturday, August 8 at 1pm CDT
(No one mentioned a conflict for that time nor had a preference for a different one.)
Battlefy and Discord
I’ve hosted the tournament on Battlefy: https://battlefy.com/toms-epic-gaming/epic-no-burnhealth-gain/5f2ce461d1baf1347f4ed64c/info
Any discussion needed during the tournament will be done on the Epic Card Game discord: https://discord.gg/QTJjTER
Targeted Direct Damage Champions, Banned
86% of respondents believe champions that can deal targeted direct damage should not be allowed (Pyromancer for example). So, they are banned.
One Game Matches
There was not a consensus on number of games:

Since I was not planning on allowing deck changes for Bo3, I am counting the purple vote for Bo1. While I would personally prefer Bo3 (which technically evens out the votes here), I’ll yield to the one game voters. I figure playing it safe for round time is probably not a bad thing for a brand new meta.
All Cards Asked About are Banned
Ceasefire and Fumble were unanimous bans. Gold Dragon, Justice Prevails, and Soul Hunter had over 70% support for ban. The rest were close.

I am going with the majority for Thought Plucker and Avenging Angel, and I am casting the tie-breaking vote to ban Muse.
Full Banlist (Includes Plague)
**Important** I forgot to include Plague in the first list. Since it can deal direct damage to a player, it is banned.
Good (17)
1-cost Cards (12):
Angel of Light
Angel of the Gate
Avenging Angel
Breath of Life
Chamberlain Kark
Gold Dragon
Inner Peace
Justice Prevails
Royal Escort
Vital Mission
0-cost Cards (5):
(Blind Faith)
Brand, Rebel Fighter
Priest of Kalnor
Priestess of Angeline
Second Wind
Evil (13)
1-cost Cards (8)
Dark One’s Apprentice
Drain Essence
Drinker of Blood
Plague Zombies
Soul Hunter
Zannos, Corpse Lord
0-cost Cards (5):
Heinous Feast
Unquenchable Thirst
Sage (10)
1-cost Cards (4):
Blue Dragon
Helion, the Dominator
Storm Dragon
Thought Plucker
0-cost Cards (6):
Disappearing Act
Forcemage Apprentice
Lightning Elemental
Lightning Mage
Wild (22)
1-cost Cards (16):
Ascendant Pyromancer
Draka’s Fire
Fires of Rebellion
Flame Strike
Flood of Fire
Forked Lightning
Hunting Raptors
Lightning Storm
Polar Shock
Rain of Fire
Savage Uprising
Scarros, Hound of Draka
Strafing Dragon
0-cost Cards (6):
Fire Shaman
Flame Spike
Flash Fire
Forked Jolt
Javelin Thrower
Any Questions? Let me know!
I have recorded a video of my first thoughts on how I think the meta might shake out. This will be posted with other content at the end of the tournament series. I will also be streaming my matches at https://www.twitch.tv/tomsepicgaming