Spreadsheet: Slow Champions
Category: On-Turn Punisher (C-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: D-Tier
Tier 9
Worse Rampaging Wurm.
The literal only times this is inherently better than Rampaging Wurm
- Your opponent blocks with Brak, Fist of Lashnok
- You block Burrowing Wurm
Neither of those are real things that would feasibly happen.
The lower offense means this can’t break Kong/Sea Titan/Steel Golem/etc, it hits face for less, and it can’t block Brak/Steel Titan. The difference between 14 and 17 defense is also fairly trivial (outside of potential buffs) because no non-combat effect does more than 13 damage currently. It does protect the cyclops from 1-3 damage 0-cost effect + either Kong effect or attack which might be relevant at some point though.
A plain (vanilla) blitz champion with less than 15 offense is a card that I absolutely agree should be in a simplified Duel deck product. I also like that it is the biggest champion in Duels, with the ability to break and survive any other Duels champion in combat. That being said, it currently adds no value to Epic cardpool as a whole.