Spreadsheet: Slow Champions
Category: Tech
Internal Category Tier: E to B Depending
Spreadsheet: Slow Champions
Category: Establishing (C-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: E-Tier
Tier 7
Too many points of failure
While agonizing which tier to put this in between 5 and 7, ^that was the thought that decided it. I don’t think this is a terrible card. In fact, I think it is fairly powerful and it has worked well both for and against me; however, I think any decks that would want this card are doomed to fail because they are too susceptible to disruption.
Human tokens:
I do not like 1-cost static buffs in human tokens, not Standard Bearer, not Helena’s Chosen, and not this. 1-cost static buffs for damage are unreliable. To disrupt your offense, your opponent can remove either your 1-cost static buff or your tokens it’s buffing. While their deck/draw might not be well-equipped to handle a specific one of those, odds are it can probably handle the other. Therefore, in the aggro-combo version of human tokens (which I believe to be the best), you’re only inserting another point of failure into your combo. I’d much rather force my opponent to have exactly Wither/Flash Fire than Wither/Flash Fire/Disappearing Act/Vanishing (not to mention the popular 1-cost answers like Drain Essence/Erase).
I don’t believe control-combo human token decks are particularly viable right now because they take too long to get going, and they either lose before going off enough, or your opponent draws into their necessary answers in time. This also only buffs the offense of the human tokens leaving them vulnerable to the same mass removal. At least with Forest Dweller, the +3 defense is incredibly relevant.
0-Cost Good Flyers:
Another idea for Imperial Commander is to use it with 0-cost airborne champions namely: Rescue Griffin, White Dragon, Faithful Pegasus, Watchful Gargoyle, and/or Dragonling. All of those cards with +3 offense are quite frightening. This is pretty much the situation I have seen the Commander do the best, once in the no-burn showmatch v Tatian and once in a limited game. The main problems are the same things as in the Human tokens example, don’t get these cards together and/or feel bad when your opponent splits them up. Most of these zeros aren’t quite powerful enough by themselves (except Gargoyle), so even though +3 offense makes them terrifying, it isn’t reliable.
Mass Tribute/Loyalty -> Draw a card with Noble Unicorn:
I’ve tried it so many times. At the end of the day, it doesn’t do powerful enough things soon enough to matter against Wild. Also, the Good 0-cost cards aren’t able to mitigate the power differential between Wild’s 1-cost plays as opposed to Good’s. If Lash/Rage and Spore Beast didn’t exist to push damage, maybe? It’s okay vs control. This card doesn’t make that archetype viable. I’m not even going to try to build that deck after finishing this review either.
Overall, this seems like a win more card. It is only particularly strong when your ahead and your opponent has nothing.