Spreadsheet: Other
Category: Ambush Champions (B-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: B-Tier
Tier 4
This is an incredibly effective distribution of stats both in limited and for constructed decks that can weaponize tokens (Revolt/Demonic Rising). 4 bodies for 1 gold, off-turn, is the sweet spot for viability. Three has never felt like enough, outside of Rift Summoner which threatens to produce more, all of which are out of range of 3 damage removal. Further, that 8/8 body is surprisingly resilient and threatening, especially against bounce decks. Not only are you threatening to go off with Insurgency + 0-cost buffs if your opponent spends their gold first on your turn, but your also threatening 11 damage if they don’t. On your opponent’s turn(s), those human tokens are excellent chump blockers that can shut out potential attacks for up to three turns. If you play this to an empty board when your opponent’s gold is down, it is really difficult for them to pry their way back in without a board clear.
In limited this is always a solid ambush champion, so you can pick it even if you aren’t going tokens generally or human tokens specifically, and I strongly recommend against actively going human tokens in limited. However, after picking this up, cards like Revolt become a lot more threatening than just a simple draw 2 when passed to you. In constructed, this is primarily a human tokens card, but it works perfectly reasonably in a pure token Demonic Rising/Justice Prevails shell as well (but that might not be quite viable yet).