Spreadsheet: 0-Cost Cards
Category: Other (A-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: E-Tier
Tier 7
Raxxa’s Curse, Siren’s Song, War Machine, if your opponent has any of these (and they are all ultra-high picks) this card is terrible. However, that is only 3 cards of some 300+, so they probably won’t, in limited (Raxxa’s Curse is quite common in constructed). Ignoring those cases, this card is fine, and as long as you don’t play it until you have 6 or 7 cards in hand it’s probably still fine, in limited. 9/7 is a great stat-line for bullying the 6/8s out there like Medusa, Palace Guard, Ice Drake, etc. It also hits for effectively a third of your opponent’s health, assuming it doesn’t get blocked.
In constructed, it fills one of your precious 0-cost slots in exchange for a non-evasive champion (bad against control) that is smaller than the most played Wild Champions (Raging T-rex, Brachiosaurus, Kong/Scarros). The only reason it isn’t lower for me in my constructed ratings is because of the potential with Jungle Queen and the upcoming 0-cost ambush champion that does the same thing.