Evict (Epic Duels Rating)

Images used with permission from White Wizard Games. These are not the final card files and are subject to change.


Spreadsheet: Card Draw
Category: Board Clears (A-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: D-Tier

Spreadsheet: 0-Cost Cards
Category: Tech [Draw 2] (A-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: Tech-Tier


Tier 4

This is technically a board clear, but it can only be played on-turn and returns all of your opponent’s champions to hand. So, if they were swarming you with a bunch of 0-cost champions, they can just replay them. If they had strong Tribute/Loyalty or Blitz/Ambush champions, they can just replay them for value. Strictly as a board clear, it is pretty much only reasonable if your opponent has a bunch more 1-cost champions in play than you do, or they have a bunch of tokens. The reason why similar card Reset is so much better is because that one can be played off-turn to disrupt any 1-gold assault, especially token (Insurgency) or untargetable/unblockable assaults (Steel Titan).

However, you don’t bring this primarily to clear your opponent, even though it does tack a discard onto your opponent as well, you bring it because it lets you return your own champions to hand. For example, play a bunch of 0-cost champions with Blitz (Dark Knight) or Tribute/Loyalty effects (Javelin Thrower), attack with the blitzers, play this, replay your 0-cost champions, gain double value. Combine this with Time Walker and Reset for redundancy, and you have a base for a deck. The fact that this returns your opponent’s champions to hand is more of a bonus effect that buys you time against non-blitz, non-burn champions.

The discard frequently won’t be super relevant because bounce and discard effects generally have anti-synergy. If you are returning a bunch of non-token champions to your opponent’s hand, they probably will have plenty of cards that they don’t mind discarding one. They might even have a Markus, Soul Hunter, or Smash and Burn to gain value out of the discard effect.

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