Spreadsheet: Slow Champions
Category: Establishing, Other (C-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: D-Tier
Tier 8
A slow champion that puts a single token into play and has 9 or less health, why would I want this? I don’t.
That being said, 8/9 in the air is enormous stats when this sticks. It is hard to effectively block this and even harder to break it in combat, if it sticks. Drifting Terror and its token are also both Evil demons which opens up Raxxa’s Displeasure and Dark One’s Fury possibilities as well. Further, if you do use single target removal on the Terror (Drain Essence, etc.), the demon token is a considerable bonus left over too.
Overall, in Dark Draft, I don’t want to commit a precious slow champion slot for this because there are so many better/more impactful possibilities. If I’m late in the draft and low on slow champions or if I get passed four slow champions, there are still worse options than this. In constructed, same thing but even more so. It has been reasonable the few times my opponents have played it against me though.
This feels like it is missing something.
Ambush? Blitz? Draw a card? More demons?
It’s in a tough spot. An unanswered 8/9 airborne champion is very threatening so it is hard to give it more. Even a small tweak like turning the demon token into 2 zombie tokens would make it generally playable in limited with that extra body, but then you lose out on the potential demon synergy.
Any of those abilities would probably make the card too strong, if the 8/9 airborne statline is kept. If it gained “When this card attacks -> Put a demon into play.” It might be playable without being overpowered since it is still a slow champion that can’t attack until your following turn (so it probably won’t attack).