Spreadsheet: Slow Champions
Category: Re-Establishing Single Target Big (S-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: B-Tier
Tier 6
This is a re-establishing card, yet I don’t actually like it that much. While it can block all tokens, which is important, it at best trades with all relevant 1-cost airborne champions and loses to most. It can still fly over non-airborne champions to break a board stalemate, but at 4 offense for a 1-gold card, it isn’t all that threatening.
The other main reason why I don’t value it higher is the current state of the limited meta: 0-cost champions. If my opponent is destroying me with 0-cost champions, targeted removal probably isn’t going to save me, which is why I value cards like War Machine so much higher as re-establishing champions. Kong and Sea Titan stay relevant though because they’re also enormous threats. I’ve even demoted Palace Guard and Reaper&& to B-tier alongside this. Still perfectly reasonable cards, but I would rather commit my slow champion slots to other cards.
I tried this in my Airborne demons deck, and it did stay in for quite a while, but at the end of the day, the targeted removal and 4 offense were just too unimpactful. Further, the demon type currently only benefits from Raxxa’s Displeasure, and Raxxa’s Displeasure doesn’t synergize great with a lot of targeted removal.