Constructed Epic: Plentiful Dead

Epic Box


This deck tries to make Plentiful Dead work.

First Shot Deck List

Plentiful Dead Deck

Evil (45)

Slow (15)
1x Angel of Death
2x Dark Assassin
2x Drinker of Blood
3x Infernal Gatekeeper
3x Murderous Necromancer
2x Necromancer Lord
2x Soul Hunter

Fast (15)
2x Apocalypse
3x Bitten
3x Drain Essence
3x Inner Demon
2x Plague
2x Zombie Apocalypse

0-Cost (15)
3x Dark Knight
3x Guilt Demon
3x Plentiful Dead
3x Thrasher Demon
2x Unquenchable Thirst
1x Wither

Good (3)

Slow (0)

Fast (2)
2x Secret Legion

0-Cost (1)
1x Courageous Soul

Sage (9)

Slow (0)

Fast (6)
1x Deadly Raid
2x Erase
3x Wave of Transformation

0-Cost (3)
3x Muse

Wild (3)

Slow (0)

Fast (2)
1x Flame Strike
1x Surprise Attack

0-Cost (1)
1x Flash Fire

First Shot Explanation

This deck tries to do a few things, possibly a few too many things. I designed the deck around the card Plentiful Dead. I did this because I think the card is largely bad, and I want to prove myself wrong. So, my initial thought was to make a chip damage deck centered around 0-cost minions.

In theory, I want to keep a constant, decent board on the table that threatens to do a small amount of damage each turn. I expect to potentially lose a lot of small attackers to draw off blockers. Although, if I save the bigger attackers for last, my initial attackers might go unblocked. This would let me not attack with the bigger attackers that would break, while still doing damage. In addition, I included a singleton Deadly Raid and Courageous Soul as attacking finishers. I’ll need testing to see if this is viable.

The second way I am trying to exploit Plentiful Dead is with Soul Hunter. I am hoping that, due to the Plentiful Deads staying in my hand and significant card draw, I will be able to discard my Soul Hunters because my hand exceeds 7 at the end of my turn. Once again, testing will be required to see if this is viable.

This deck’s final trick is Drinker of Blood. I run a singleton Flash Fire and Wither with a lot of 2 defense 0-cost minions to get a lot of Drinker of Blood triggers. Surprise Attack Drinker of Blood followed by board clear is also excellent.

3/11/16 Rework Deck List

Plentiful Dead Deck 2

Evil (39)

Slow (14)
2x Drinker of Blood
3x Infernal Gatekeeper
3x Murderous Necromancer
3x Necromancer Lord
3x Trihorror

Fast (12)
2x Army of the Apocalypse
3x Bitten
3x Final Task
1x The Risen
3x Zombie Apocalypse

0-Cost (13)
3x Dark Knight
3x Guilt Demon
3x Plentiful Dead
3x Thrasher Demon
1x Wither

Good (6)

Slow (0)

Fast (4)
2x Inheritance of the Meek
2x Secret Legion

0-Cost (2)
2x Courageous Soul

Sage (12)

Slow (0)

Fast (8)
3x Ancient Chant
3x Crystal Golem
1x Deadly Raid
1x Wave of Transformation

0-Cost (4)
2x Amnesia
2x Muse

Wild (3)

Slow (0)

Fast (2)
1x Surprise Attack
1x Wolf’s Call

0-Cost (1)
1x Flash Fire

3/11/16 Rework Explanation

Removed: Angel of Death, Dark Assassin, Soul Hunter, Apocalypse, Drain Essence, Inner Demon, Plague, Unquenchable Thirst, Erase, and Flame Strike

Plentiful Dead Deck 2 Remove

Added: Trihorror, Army of the Apocalypse, Final Task, The Risen, Inheritance of the Meek, Ancient Chant, Crystal Golem, Amnesia, and Wolf’s Call

Plentiful Dead Dec 2 Add

The original version of this deck did not work particularly well. I played 3 games with it, losing 2 and winning 1 (barely). The deck consisted of a few combos and a lot of removal, but it couldn’t build much momentum. I also frequently ran low on cards in hand.

So, to address these issues, I took out a lot of the more situational response cards, and I added more ways to get ahead. The biggest additions to help me get ahead are Trihorror and Final Task. Trihorror is a threat that doesn’t care about breaking (bounce and banish are rough though). Final Task lets me bring back Trihorror (granting 3 demons when it breaks at end of turn), Murderous Necromancer (granting 3 zombies when it comes in, breaks a champion, and gives a 4th zombie), Necromancer Lord (brings back another champion permanently), and I can always draw 2 off it instead. Army of the Apocalypse and Zombie Apocalypse can also get me ahead later in the game. Due to these cards, I minimized my recycling and added Amnesias.

To increase my card draw, I added Ancient Chants and Crystal Golems. Ancient Chants punish my opponents for banishing my discard pile, and Amnesia recycle/Guilt Demon can banish my own Ancient Chants if needed. Crystal Golems work well with both Necromancer Lord and Army of the Apocalypse.

I also decided to include a singleton Wolf’s Call as a meta pick. I believe Wave of Transformation is going to be very prevalent. So, the Wolf’s Call is there to punish a Wave of Transformation played by an opponent on my turn, when I have tokens in play. The singleton The Risen is included to give demons spawned by a broken Trihorror blitz.

This deck’s worst matchup is almost certainly a burn deck. Losing 1 life to Plentiful Dead or Infernal Gatekeeper could be an issue, especially since I removed Drain Essence and Unquenchable Thirst. In addition, this deck isn’t particularly quick. Banish is also incredibly problematic.


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