Spreadsheet: Card Draw
Category: Tech [Gold-Punisher and combo] A-Tier
Internal Category Tier: –
Tier 6
I want to like this card because this plus Little Devil is a two-card combo that threatens 14 damage, but I just don’t think it’s viable. (Secret Legion + Revolt is 21.) I brought it to the No Core Constructed Monthly to help support Demonic Rising as a combo kill against Kark, got crushed by a more controlling Evil token deck without it (no one brought Kark). Overall, I was never in a position where I could play it when my opponent’s gold was down and they had no blockers, which admittedly could have been due to me building the deck sub-optimally.
As an “Or Draw 2” it’s never bad in limited, and it can always just be a blitzing 7/7 on-turn gold-punisher. Even with just two zombies that can attack, it adds 13/13 in stats to the board for a single turn. One thing I realized at the end of that tournament and nearly forgot now is that it is actually decent off-turn no stop your opponent’s onslaught. Much worse than off-turn Justice Prevails, Battle Cry, or Demonic Rising if you have a board, but okay, and it comes with a 7/7 blocker.
Maybe you want this in a deck that’s running both Little Devil and Guilt Demon (and maybe future blitzing 0-cost Evil champions)? Overall though, it is difficult to fit 1-cost cards that primarily just buff your champions in play for attacks, and Demonic Rising will almost always be significantly better and Justice Prevails isn’t that far behind it…However, this in a Krieg deck seems like it could be terrifying. Krieg in play assuming its initial 2 zombies are gone, play Eager Necromancer into this for 3 6/6 blitzing zombies, a 3/3 blitzing zombie, a 7/7 blitzing demon and an 11/11 Krieg. This provides 19/19 worth of blitzing stats, still not great but maybe the rest of the Evil token/combo package rounds it out. (I’m really looking forward to Krieg.)
[Unfortunately this is the last rating I have written up for now. On the plus side, I am in the process of getting pre-approved for my home loan and will be interviewing real estate agents immediately afterwards, so progress on that front.]