Abyss Summoner (Epic Duels Ratings)

Images used with permission from White Wizard Games. These are not the final card files and are subject to change.


Spreadsheet: Other
Category: Ambush Champions (B-Tier)
Internal Category Tier: D-Tier


Tier 7

It’s a slightly better off-turn Demon Breach, without recall, that is generally worse than Demon Breach on-turn. Three ambush bodies isn’t terrible though and making Demons and Zombies bigger than your opponent’s counterparts does have serious combat-value, more so for attacking since your opponent won’t initiate more bad attacks once this is in play. As a follow up to a Zombie Apocalypse, this is fairly reasonable in Draft, but in Constructed there are much better choices like Raxxa Demon Tyrant, Anguish Demon, Ascendant Pyromancer, etc.

In both Draft and Constructed, there is a massive list of cards I would pick over this one, but maybe it has a home in Evil token centered lists that benefit from having 1-cost champions (Zombie Apocalypse, Mist Guide Herald, anti-bounce). Also worth noting, in the September no-core Constructed monthly, I got destroyed on my Midrange-Combo Evil Token deck against a Control Evil token deck in large part because my opponent’s demons were consistently bigger than mine. That was due to constant Raxxas though and neither of us were playing this.

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