Hello! I am finally getting around to writing up my notes from my 7th Sea : City of Five Sails Gen Con tournament matches. (It is going slower than I would like, so I am going to start releasing it at least 1 match at a time to keep it coming.) I played Ussura and did quite well (avoiding spoilers in case you do not know the results). Full deck breakdown can be found here: https://www.tomsepicgaming.com/ussuran-grand-admiral-gen-con-2024/ (still want to make some tweaks).
In addition, I played a few games on stream at the tournament, and I am planning on streaming my commentary on those games live this Sunday August 25, 2024 at https://www.twitch.tv/tomsepicgaming 10am CDT, which I’ll record and upload. Feel free to swing by and join me. Happy to answer any questions about the game generally, the streamed games specifically, and/or 7th Sea : City of Five Seas as a whole where I can. Possibly open up chat to challenge me over Tabletop Simulator between each streamed game and/or at the end.
In the meantime, community manager Carl and Montaigne banterer extraordinaire Baconator stream most Tuesdays (including tonight 8/20/24) at https://www.twitch.tv/pineboxentertainment starting around 6, 6:30pm CDT. Come join me and subscribe to see more 7th Seas content tonight and going forward, in addition to helping unlock more twitch perks for them!
Round 1 vs Castille (Stephen Holder “Sixkillz”)

As the first game of the tournament where I didn’t remember to take notes to help my now-self write this, it is the game I remember the least. That being said, it had a memorable ending.
Day 1
Opponent recruits Maya. I recruit Torsten. They get into a fight and somehow Maya walked away with only 1 wound to Torsten’s two?! I apparently blocked how that happened out of my memory, so let’s just say it was intentional to get Torsten to his 2 wound ability threshold. *As another reminder to myself, since I always forget and had to ask, if Torsten plays a combat card that will result in him having 2 wounds on him after resolving it, he does not get the +1 thrust until his next combat card.*
Soline manages to pick up a Burnished Cuirass. Yevgeni equips Hammer and claims, oh yeah. Hammer Yevgeni claim op. In all honesty though, as explained in the accompanying deck breakdown, I primarily use Yevgeni as a bully, sending him to the juiciest location preemptively, to intimidate my opponent into not sending anyone there. And, sometimes that works, and no one shows up. Thankfully, 1 influence is all you need to claim and get bit of Renown. This is frequently better than trying to force a fight day 1, as it leaves you your resources for day 2 when you are stronger.
Day 2
Ekaterina and Yevgeni go out into the city. Sixkillz walks a character or two in front of Ekaterina at the Docks. Not wanting violence, Ekaterina tactically retreats to the Forums, but Soline moves to meet her. Torsten does not appreciate people hunting Ekaterina, so he moves to the Forums as her bodyguard. Soline, unperturbed challenges Ekaterina, and 0-Finesse Torsten intervenes.
Combat card 1, Sunder (with Yevgeni discount), get rid of that Burnished Cuirass and send 5 (thanks to the earlier 2 wounds on him). Torsten takes 1, Soline takes 2.
Combat card 2, Sunder. Torsten takes 1, Soline takes 2.
Combat card 3, Strong Hands. Torsten takes 1 and sends Soline to the Locker.
Game 1: Ussuran Assassination victory

Round 2 vs Castille (Tim Aldridge)
This game was streamed, I will commentate it on 8/25/24 and add a link afterwards.
Round 3 vs Vodacce (Nick Pruitt)
Yevgeni smash … a trap?
Round 4 vs Montaigne (Derek Bacon “Baconator”)
Oh boy was I greedy day 1
Round 5 vs Castille (Dustin Horn)
Consistently closest game of the tournament, streamed