Wild decks and Control decks have dominated and shaped Epic’s competitive constructed meta forever. This is partly due to the effectiveness of uninteractable direct damage effects such as Strafing Dragon and Scarros. In a moment of frustration having just been burned out, after getting reverse burned out by two previous Kark players, following my own burning out of a third Kark player, I wondered what the game would be like if no burn (damage or life loss that can target a player) or health gain effects existed. I was intrigued and didn’t have an answer, so I decided to put on an unofficial Epic Digital tournament series to find out, this.
In order to best explore what an Epic meta with no burn and (almost) no health gain looks like, I’m thinking the best way to do this is with a scheduled tournament, followed by two to four weeks of individually scheduled round robin matches, and then a culminating scheduled tournament. Each individual event will have a winner, and if someone wins two of the three events, they will be the overall winner. As of now, I am planning on not having prizes since I think it would be awesome if some WWG employees joined in too! (For example but not limited to CJ, Darwin, Rob, etc.)
I am hypothesizing that the removal of burn and health gain will simultaneously slow down the format while also decreasing the average game time. Therefore, every match will be best of three.
For the schedule tournaments, I figured we could use battlefy + discord and hold a tournament similar to the monthly tournament (4+ round of swiss cut to top 4/8 depending on the number of participants). Round limit of approximately an hour plus 4 turns with tie break going to the player with more health remaining and final tie breaker going to whoever went first that game. Use the same deck throughout the entirety of the tournament. Decklists will be posted after each tournament. First tournament will provide a baseline, last tournament will demonstrate how the meta evolved.
For the weeks of round robin, *ideally* everyone would play each other player once with between one and four matches per week. A player must use the same deck throughout the match, but may change decks between matches. Decklists will not be required to be posted during this event. This event will require discussion to iron out the details.
It will NOT be necessary to play more than one event.
Dates and Times
I figured we could hold the first tournament either Saturday August 8th at 12:45pm CDT or anytime Sunday August 9th. Let me know what times would work best for anyone interested. I could possibly do an earlier time on that Saturday if necessary.
The weeks of round robin would start that following Monday. The number of weeks would depend on the number of interested participants as well as the number of matches we would want to shoot for in a week. I would also personally be fine with allowing people to commit to playing only a portion of the events. The player with the most event wins (within the established “limit” per week) would be the winner.
The second tournament would most likely be on the weekend following the last week of round robin, as long as it does not interfere with an official WWG tournament.
Full Event Banlist
The full ban list can be found below and is primarily based around burn and health gain, but I want to go over the exceptions to those criteria first.
Banned: Ceasefire, Fumble, Blind Faith (WWG bans, even though this is a different environment from what they were banned in, they are too disruptive and efficient in a combat-damage-only environment and I don’t want the events to potentially center around already banned cards)
Banned: Thought Plucker, Muse (Primarily because I hate them and I’m drunk on my power from organizing this, but also because I feel they overly inhibit deck building)
NOT Banned:
Avenging Angel (While it does gain the player life, it has to deal damage in combat to do it, and there are multiple effective ways to interact with it for every alignment)
[Gold Dragon is still banned for this because it doesn’t personally need to attack to gain health, and it threatens too much health gain. Similar reasoning behind Justice Prevails still being banned.]
[Soul Hunter is still banned for this even though I considered adding it back in since: it needs at least 1 other card to combo with it to deal the damage immediately, it doesn’t deal that much damage at first, and there are multiple ways to interact with it. Ultimately, I decided to keep it banned because Good and Wild have no way to interact with it if it is discarded and then continuously broken immediately at the start of its controller’s turns when it returns to play.]
[I considered banning other cards for this event too but decided not to at this time.]
All other cards that can gain a player health or directly decrease a player’s health without dealing combat damage are BANNED (for this event)
(The exceptions above are also included in this list)
Good (15)
1-cost Cards (10):
Angel of Light
Angel of the Gate
Breath of Life
Chamberlain Kark
Gold Dragon
Inner Peace
Justice Prevails
Royal Escort
Vital Mission
0-cost Cards (5):
(Blind Faith)
Brand, Rebel Fighter
Priest of Kalnor
Priestess of Angeline
Second Wind
Evil (11)
1-cost Cards (6)
Dark One’s Apprentice
Drain Essence
Drinker of Blood
Plague Zombies
Soul Hunter
Zannos, Corpse Lord
0-cost Cards (5):
Heinous Feast
Unquenchable Thirst
Sage (10)
1-cost Cards (4):
Blue Dragon
Helion, the Dominator
Storm Dragon
Thought Plucker
0-cost Cards (6):
Disappearing Act
Forcemage Apprentice
Lightning Elemental
Lightning Mage
Wild (22)
1-cost Cards (16):
Ascendant Pyromancer
Draka’s Fire
Fires of Rebellion
Flame Strike
Flood of Fire
Forked Lightning
Hunting Raptors
Lightning Storm
Polar Shock
Rain of Fire
Savage Uprising
Scarros, Hound of Draka
Strafing Dragon
0-cost Cards (6):
Fire Shaman
Flame Spike
Flash Fire
Forked Jolt
Javelin Thrower
Everything Open to Discussion
None of this is set in the stone, not the format, not the complete banlist, not the dates/times, etc. If anyone has any suggestions/recommendations etc. let me know and we can work through the best way to do this. You can either comment on here or any of the places I’ll cross-post this: the Epic Digital Facebook group, Epic Reddit group, Epic Board Game Geek page, the Epic Discord, or on Twitter. If it isn’t on here, please tag me as I can forget to check each of the locations at times.
I will be streaming all of my scheduled tournament games and potentially round robin games too at https://www.twitch.tv/tomsepicgaming\. I plan on experimenting with a lot of different decks since I believe all alignments will potentially be viable.
I will compile all of the decklists on here. Please send me the exportable deck code from the app at least after each tournament. If you could send me a screenshot of the full deck as well, that would be helpful, otherwise I can do that part myself.