Planning on doing a lot of brewing, figured I might as stream it if anyone is interested. So, this Saturday (6/22) starting at 8am CDT (13:00 UTC) I will be streaming at

Due to playing my aggro-combo Human tokens list into 1st seed at the Epic Origins 10k (knocked out in first round of top 8 by eventual winner Hampus Eriksson), my eyes have been opened to the possibility of non-midrange Epic decks. I plan on
- Going over the entire card pool and reevaluating it based on my new understanding both from prepping for and playing at Origins
- Building lists for at least an Evil Aggro-Combo Zombie Deck and multiple flavors of aggressive Sage decks
- Answering any questions (which could theoretically take me down long tangents about things I may or may not have covered before)
I plan on keeping the stream going for as long as my inspiration lasts (to an absolute maximum of 10pm CDT with breaks for food, although probably won’t last anywhere near that long)
If you plan on watching and have any questions/topics you’ll want to discuss, let me know in the comments below if you want me to start thinking about them. Or, feel free to save them if you’d prefer for me to think them through out loud.
I might upload some edited highlights to youtube afterwards at (I’m also planning on writing a multi-article series about my Origins Prep, discussing my three stages of that process: Failure, Replication, Revelation)