Let me officially welcome those new to board games to my passion!
Everyone is welcome except for those who actively/maliciously make life worse for others. Thankfully, board gamers in my experience are honestly wonderful people.
Blog Goals
This blog had shifted to focus primarily on Epic Card Game over the years, and I’ve generated a significant amount of content for it. That being said, I don’t interact with Epic much any more, and it has been supplanted by 7th Sea : City of Five Sails. My most recent posts may be found here. (I now only post about topics that actively excite me.) Links to specific posts/categories are below.
Epic Card Game
If you’ve never heard of Epic, I wrote a review of it back in January 2016 which still holds up today. For players coming from a TCG/CCG/LCG background, guest blogger and competitive magic player Tom Dixon breaks the game down from that perspective.
Once you’ve decided to try the game, I’ve created an Epic Progression series to help ease new players into it. Article 3 is one of my best and most respected articles which delves into unique Epic strategy.
Epic Progressions (1): How To play
Epic Progressions (2): Basic Strategy Advice
Epic Progressions (3): Limited – Get Ahead, Stay Ahead
My most recent Epic tagged article can be found here. A more organized representation, with individual article links and descriptions of my Epic content, can be found here. (Including a gargantuan card by card breakdown and links to my video content.)

Links to Gaming Resources
Another goal is to provide links to other gaming resources, such as Friendly Local Game Stores, Board Game Forums, and inexpensive online retailers. This is my least developed section, but I do have:
Where to Buy Board Games and Board Gaming Resources
Easily Approachable Board Game Reviews
I wanted to create board game reviews for some of my favorite games, that rely on zero-prior board knowledge to understand. So I did.
For people new to the board game hobby, which has blossomed and progressed significantly since the days of Monopoly, I recommend starting with Ticket to Ride.
A few other games I highly recommend:
Jaipur, Race for the Galaxy, Camel Up, Catan
A list of all of my reviewed and previewed games can be found here
Each game below will be previewed and reviewed by me on this blog.
(Click any picture to enlarge.)
Additional Blog Navigation
Click any of these links for a collection of my Board Game Collection/What I Actively Want To Play, Game Previews, Game Reviews, Strategy Articles, 7th Sea : City of Five Sails, or Epic Card Game content.