After seeing multiple requests for advice on the Epic Digital campaign generally and Mission 11, Zombie Horde, specifically, I streamed myself running through the campaign.
So far I’ve edited together our multiple games against the Epic Digital Campaign’s 11th mission, Zombie Horde. Watch me underestimate it and lose the first game. Then analyze, adapt, and crush it in (most) of the remaining games. [Zannos is a crazy strong card.]
Attempt 1: 00:00
Attempt 2: 12:40
Attempt 3: 18:52
Attempt 4: 21:50
Attempt 5: 36:44
Attempt 6: 44:22
Attempt 7: 46:14
Watch Zombie Horde (Mission 11 Epic Campaign) from TomSEpicGaming on www.twitch.tv
Next streams are
- Thursday March 26 from 7pm to 10pm CDT. Not sure what specifically I’ll be streaming. Possibly the random 30 arena or constructed testing for the Digital Monthly this Saturday
- Saturday March 28 starting at 10am CDT. Digital Monthly (Constructed) Go until we get knocked out (or win)
- Sunday March 29th starting at 2pm CDT. No plans for this as of yet
Let me know if there is anything anyone would actively like to see, open to requests!