This article follows the progression of my core-set-only Core Evil Tokens deck. I start by explaining how I created the experimental, untested deck (in preparation for the core only alpha for Epic Card Game Digital). Then, I plan on updating this article with an analysis of how the deck performs, in addition to explaining any changes I make to it (assuming it performs well enough to update).
As I update the deck list, I’ll update this picture and written list (currently prototype deck list).
Deck Idea

I wanted to make a core only Evil Token deck for Epic Card Game Digital Alpha.
Gather Cards
A large portion of this deck built itself. As a (Evil) token deck, I knew I wanted Murderous Necromancer, Demon Breach, Plentiful Dead, Inheritance of the Meek, and probably Infernal Gatekeeper.
As an Evil deck, I knew I wanted Medusa and probably Necromancer Lord. Since I planned on consistently having small tokens in play, I decided not to bring Angel of Death in the prototype version. Drain Essence, Guilt Demon, and Wither were 3 more easy Evil includes. The rest of the process was filling holes. This is what my gather cards list looked like:
Evil ()
Slow ()
Angel of Death, Dark Assassin, Drinker of Blood, Infernal Gatekeeper, Trihorror
Fast ()
Apocalypse, Bitten, Inner Demon, Plague, The Risen, Vampire Lord, Zombie Apocalypse
0-Cost ()
Guilt Demon, Thrasher Demon, Unquenchable Thirst, Word of Summoning
Good ()
Slow ()
Fast ()
Inner Peace
0-Cost ()
Brave Squire, Courageous Soul, Watchful Gargoyle
Sage ()
Slow ()
Fast ()
Ancient Chant, Deadly Raid, Erase, Lying in Wait, Wave of Transformation
0-Cost ()
Amnesia, Forcemage Apprentice, Hasty Retreat
Wild ()
Slow ()
Pack Alpha, Rampaging Wurm
Fast ()
Flame Strike, Mighty Blow, Surprise Attack
0-Cost ()
Fireball, Flash Fire
One of my first thoughts when building decks is always, “how can I deal with Muse.” I’m a big fan of Forcemage Apprentice for this role, in theory, and I like Fireball for it too, in theory. In order to fill out the 1-cost cards to allow me to run these 0’s, Wave of Transformation seemed like a great choice. Since I’m going wide on the board (playing a lot of small champions), I’ll probably end up with more wolves in play most of the time. In addition, it is able to answer any champion in the game (Sea Titan). Ancient Chant is also always high on my list. For Wild, I like Pack Alpha as a way to increase my ability to go wide in a dedicated token deck.
In an effort to add on-turn gold finishers, I stumbled upon the most interesting aspect of this deck: Secret Legion + Courageous Soul. As an on-turn gold-punisher, Courageous Soul into Secret Legion threatens 22 damage across 7 attackers. Normally, this isn’t terribly hard to counter, especially if used while your opponent’s gold is up, but since this deck ideally will produce multiple hordes of tokens, my opponent might use up their 0-cost mass removal (Flash Fire) early and be unable to stop my assault. (The lack of Blind Faith is another big boon for this combination.)
Another great aspect of this combination is that both cards can work fine by themselves in this deck. Secret Legion can draw 2 cards if needed, and Courageous Soul can make my board of Evil tokens a lot more dangerous. I really like the idea of adding this combination to a deck otherwise devoid of human tokens. I am excited to see how it works in practice.
Finally, I filled my 0-cost Evil requirements and my 1-cost requirements to support my Fireballs. At this point, I needed more card draw. Word of Summoning as additional demon + recycle seemed like the best Evil 0-cost choice left. Final Task is an “or draw 2,” and it works great with Murderous Necromancer and Necromancer Lord, pretty decent with Medusa too. Bitten was just the best “or draw 2” Evil card for the deck, but I don’t really want it. Mighty Blow I like in theory with token decks because it is easier to slip a token through without getting blocked (then you make it unbreakable and give it +10 offense). I also traded out 1 Forcemage Apprentice for an Amnesia (draw or recycle while meeting my 1+ mass discard pile banish distribution).
Distributions Breakdown
Below are the break downs for each of my distributions based on my Epic Constructed Process article.
30+ Cards that can Draw/Recycle/Recall/Etc. (27.5)
Reliable (26): 3 Bitten, 3 Final Task, 3 Plentiful Dead, 3 Word of Summoning, 3 Inheritance of the Meek, 3 Secret Legion, 3 Ancient Chant, 3 Wave of Transformation, 1 Amnesia, 1 Mighty Blow
Unreliable (3 x 1/2 = 1.5): 3 Demon Breach
I don’t like being under 30+ of these cards, but I’ll try it out and see how it works before I contort the deck further to meet this distribution. If I decide to cut some cards for more draw, Infernal Gatekeeper and Necromancer Lord are both viable possibilities in order to add Plagues or Apocalypses.
If I cut the Gatekeepers, my Necromancer Lords get worse with me only having 11 other 1-cost champions to return to play. If I cut the Necromancer Lords, my Final Tasks get weaker.
Pack Alphas could also be traded for additional Mighty Blows.
I could also theoretically trade out my Fireballs for Flash Fires and stick in a couple Drinkers of Blood, but I’m not a huge fan of that idea. Flash Fire will usually break my own champions, and I wouldn’t be likely to draw the 1 or 2 Drinkers I add to go with them at the right time.
20 0-cost Cards (20)
2 Forcemage Apprentice, 1 Amnesia, 3 Guilt Demon, 3 Plentiful Dead, 3 Wither, 3 Word of Summoning, 3 Courageous Soul, 2 Fireball
20- On My Turn Cards (15)
Champions (12): 3 Infernal Gatekeeper, 3 Murderous Necromancer, 3 Necromancer Lord, 3 Pack Alpha
Events (3): 3 Demon Breach
33+ Primary Alignment Cards (36)
3 Demon Breach, 3 Infernal Gatekeeper, 3 Murderous Necromancer, 3 Necromancer Lord, 3 Bitten, 3 Drain Essence, 3 Final Task, 3 Medusa, 3 Guilt Demon, 3 Plentiful Dead, 3 Wither, 3 Word of Summoning
3-9+ On-Turn Gold-Punishers (3)
3 Secret Legion (with 3 Courageous Soul)
3-9+ Off-Turn Gold-Punishers (3)
3 Medusa
1+ Mass Discard Pile Banish (1)
1 Amnesia
3 Drain Essences or Comparable Health Gain (3)
Reliable (3): 3 Drain Essence
3-9+ Muse/Thought Plucker 0-Cost Answers (7)
Reliable (7): 3 Wither, 2 Forcemage Apprentice, 2 Fireball
Anti-Sea Titan/Bounce Plan
Flood the board with tokens so Sea Titan can’t block them all. Chump block Sea Titan with tokens if it attacks. Remove it with Wave of Transformation or Inheritance of the Meek.
With only 3 on-turn gold-punishers, 3 off-turn gold-punishers and the inclusion of multiple board clears, this deck is a lot more controlling than many of my other decks. Against control decks, I worry that I might not have enough threats to pressure them out.
Under 30+ reliable card draw is another aspect I worry about. Due to my low 1-cost champion count, it might be correct to remove or at least decrease my Necromancer Lord count for Evil cards that can draw.
Aside from those, we’ll just have to see how it plays and make adjustments form there.
Deck List

Evil (36)
Slow (12)
3x Demon Breach
3x Infernal Gatekeeper
3x Murderous Necromancer
3x Necromancer Lord
Fast (12)
3x Bitten
3x Drain Essence
3x Final Task
3x Medusa
0-Cost (12)
3x Guilt Demon
3x Plentiful Dead
3x Wither
3x Word of Summoning
Good (9)
Slow ()
Fast (6)
3x Inheritance of the Meek
3x Secret Legion
0-Cost (3)
3x Courageous Soul
Sage (9)
Slow ()
Fast (6)
3x Ancient Chant
3x Wave of Transformation
0-Cost (3)
1x Amnesia
2x Forcemage Apprentice
Wild (6)
Slow (3)
3x Pack Alpha
Fast (1)
1x Mighty Blow
0-Cost (2)
2x Fireball
I literally laugh out loud when I get to this section for these deck articles, since they are far from concluded.